Live Meet and Greet with ultraviolet agency May 4
Has it really been a year!?! We’re huge fans of the Design Influencers Conference (DIC). It’s hard to believe it was just last March when we hosted the DIC Genius Bar in San Fran, with nary a mask in sight. We listened to marketing pains, struggles and successes and celebrated new ideas and creativity by […]
Branding for Interior Designers
Jaipur Living chats with three industry influencers about why branding is essential—and how to do it well. Branding shows itself in more than just your work; it’s the way your clients perceive and talk about you. (Pictured: swatches from Jaipur Living) What is Your Brand? You’ve heard the word “brand” before, but you might be asking […]
Design Influencers Raved; Finalizing Second DIConnect
Design influencers raved while hundreds of delegates logged on for several hours of DIConnect programming over three days in early March 2021. Exactly one year from the close of the last in-person Design Influencers Conference in San Francisco, Esteem Media opened up the first of three broadcasts for influencer marketing presentations, influencer recruitment, networking, and […]
DIConnect is Here!
We are less that two weeks away from the first of three broadcasts and networking opportunities for Design Influencers and brands. On March 1 at 1:45pm the luxury design industry’s influencer marketing, creator, and social media community will have the chance to connect, get timely information on the pandemic’s lasting impact on building influence for […]